Article I: Name
The name of the organization shall be the
Piedmont Amateur Radio Club (PARC) and
can also be referred to as the
Piedmont Amateur Radio Emergency Service (PARES)
with amateur radio call sign
Article II: Legal Entity
Piedmont Amateur Radio Emergency Service, LLC is organized under the laws of the
state of Georgia as a limited liability, non-profit company.
Article III: Purpose
- Promote interest in all aspects of FCC Amateur Radio Communications.
- Provide Emergency Communications in the event of a disaster.
- Raise awareness of amateur radio by providing communications at Public Service Events.
- Grow the amateur radio community by providing FCC Licensing Exams.
- Maintain amateur radio repeaters on one or more bands serving central Georgia.
Article IV: Membership
Membership is open to any FCC amateur radio licensee, resident in the state of
Georgia. Status as a voting member requires attendance of at least two (2) club
meetings each year and being current with club dues. New members are added only
during the monthly club meetings by a vote of the members.
Article V: Leadership
The club is a de-centralized autonomous organization with the following leads:
- Treasurer – responsible for managing club funds, accounts payable, accounts receivable, and financial planning. He/she has signatory responsibility for financial
accounts. Maintains a list of club assets and the official club constitution and by-laws.
- Technologist – responsible for maintaining the club’s technical prowess and
introducing new amateur radio technology when developed.
- Operations Specialist – responsible for all operations at the tower site,
maintaining the club repeater, and any development at those sites which serve
the needs of the club.
- Regulatory Specialist – insures club compliance with all local, state, federal,
and FCC regulations and serves as liaison to those organizations.
- Public Relations Director – official spokesperson for the club. Maintains all
social media sites and is a conduit to local news organizations.
- VEC Coordinator – chairs the VEC testing committee and reports on the
committee’s activities at monthly club meetings.
- Outreach Director – plans and leads the club in outreach opportunities which
expands our visibility, grows membership, and increases overall impact of our
Article VI: Meetings
Meetings are to be held at 09:00, 2nd Saturday of every month. Location of the
meetings varies but is established at prior meetings. Any changes to the meeting date,
time, or location can be made by any 4 voting members, provided other members are
notified, in advance, via email or during the regularly scheduled club Sunday 2 meter
VHF Net.
Any official business of the club and changes to the constitution or by-laws; must be
conducted at the monthly club meeting and be ratified by 2/3 of the voting members in
Any change in club leadership, club membership, or use of club assets must be
conducted at the monthly club meeting and be ratified by 2/3 of the voting members in
Article VII: Dues
The club is empowered to collect dues as stipulated in the by-laws. Being current with
club dues is a requirement of membership.
Fields marked with an * are requried.
If you update your Call Sign your log in ID will change also.
The name field can be your preferred name or nickname it does not have to be the name on your license.
If you add your birthday use the "mm/dd/YYYY" format.
Only your birth day and month will display on the directory page. Your birtday is just so other members and the website can wish you a happy birthday on the day.
Your email is needed for website admin to be able to contact you when needed.